Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Carol & 3-D..!!

Finally, the long wait for this movie materialized today. Though, over this week I had altered my plan to go for "Paa" amidst the overwhelming reviews. But, finally I ended up watching "Christmas Carol" today, and yes, the decision was quite right. I have 2 good reasons to cheer, first, it was my first ever 3-D movie experience and second the movie was based on epic novella by charles dickens which left me no option but to watch it in all enthralling 3-D experience. And, here I am to endorse this fact!!

As soon as we entered, we were given the magic 3-D glass which looked like any other toy glass sold on the street.I was quite apprehensive about the kind of magic it would bring. Yet, I put on the glass and slowly I was getting connected to the 3-D world. Flying over the skyscrapers, u feel u r in some deus-x-machina, and at times you feel near escape when u pass by an adjoining tower. No matter, whatever I utter, u gotta experience it to feel the thrill.

The best thing about this movie is that the story has exactly been reproduced beyond any dilution (unlike the most..) and the characters are truly a symbolisation of what Dickens would have envisaged. I don't know how relevant it is in present context but then yes, the epic tale has been a harbinger of festivity and merriment in Britain and America after a long period of capitalist sombreness.
Perfect Connect, I would say. Eight odd hours have passed by, but I could still sense that Scrooge's long protruding nose is right in front of eyes.

Well, now I am looking forward to my next 3-D experience with Avatar.


Manojit said...

Great review.. felt exactly the same way as u did.. brilliant how u put it in words :)

Vijay Mohan said...

thanks mono..after all we were on the same